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      > 975
      > 975V
Ti105 Infrared Thermal Imager Contact us for more details

�E Exclusive IR-OptiFlex™ focus system�Xensures that images are in good focus from 1.2 meters (4 feet) and beyond for optimum image clarity and scanning convenience. For shorter distances change to manual mode with the touch of a finger.
�E Always have references handy�XIR-PhotoNotes™ annotation system�XQuickly identify and keep track of inspection locations by adding digital images of important information and surrounding areas.
�E Find problems faster and easier�XIR-Fusion® with AutoBlend™ mode�XAccurately identify potential issues by combining digital and IR images with AutoBlend. It blends digital and partially transparent IR images into a single information-filled image.
�E Capture current measurements fast and conveniently from up to five wireless modules at once using your Fluke thermal imager and CNX wireless modules.
�E Multi-mode video recording�Xfocus-free video in visible light and infrared with full IR-Fusion.
�E Easily communicate the location of problems with the Electronic Compass (8-Point Cardinal).

LaserSharp auto focus video
Click to try the CNX system online
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�� Electrical
�� Building Diagnostics
�� Energy Management
�� Mechanical
�� Network Management
�� Fluke Connect™
�� Thermal Imagers
�� Visual IR Thermometers
�� Power Quality Tools
�� Vibration Testers
�� Cable Network Testers
�� IAQ
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�� Application Notes
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